Friday, October 14, 2011

  The author’s audience in this article(Huffington Post) is adults but mainly parents who have children and are going to school.   Mark Kennedy Shriver(the author) is a U.S. Democratic Party politician who served as a member of Maryland House of Delegates for two terms from 1995 to 2003.  Mr. Striver wants to draft a bill that would modernize the no child left behind in rural areas.  Claims it will increase economic growth, keep kids off the streets and them becoming criminals and increase testing standards.
                I actually agree with his policy; there isn’t a policy established so they might as well do something and this sounds like a good investment.   Mr. Striver’s logic sounds spot on why just educate the urban and neglect the rural; when the rural people could be just as beneficial to our economy.  If not more beneficial.   He gives statistics saying, “That the Literacy Instruction and Achievement would incentivize on states and improve on early childhood education the key to elementary school success and, reduced crime and as much as $2trillion dollars.”  He says Striver says experts have tested this but he does not list any and doesn’t explain their credibility he just calls them “experts.”
                Overall I would say Mr. Striver has merit in his case and I would agree that we should balance the scales and invest in educating the rural economy.  But he doesn’t give sufficient evidence into why this would be great plan.  Mr. Striver makes a good argument and we should invest in the rural economy.

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